RollBound is an Actual play DnD Podcast set in its own Homebrew Universe. DM'd by Chass (@Steribeat on most things).
Rollbound's first campaign is a wonderous tale of adventure and surpassing fate.
The party of RollBound consists of Charybdis Mobius (played by @Allikitty96/Allison Clover), Chronoheres Mobius (played by Groove), Lady Reverie (played by @bestworstfish/Minnow), Maria Day (played by @Sirenbard/ Mickey), and Winfrey McNeal (played by @JoeyXKinseyVO/ Joey Kinsey) who are all unique characters that have to set aside their differences to achieve their ultimate goal: finding the lost land of Raryndel. Through adversity, through wonder, and through magic join us as they search on and experience the land of Kelmre.

RollBound also has a content book on the way that is titled "Chass' Guide to Kelmre". Chass' Guide is a full content book surrounding the podcasts setting and adds more content to Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition that can be used by fans of the podcast or just players seeking to add more unique content to their Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. Chass's Guide will feature: New Races, A New Class, New Subclasses for each Base Class, in Depth Factions, a Kelmre Beastiary, as well as in depth lore of Kelmre. Chass's Guide to Kelmre doesn't have a release date but we hope to have it launch in mid 2023.

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